Sovicos does everything it can to create a pleasant and safe environment. Measures are taken to prevent unpleasant situations, such as making a VOG (Statement of Conduct) mandatory for trainers and other staff, and ensuring the availability of confidential contactcounselors. Clear communication on our norms and values can also contribute to this. Below are our rules of conduct that arise from our values and standards. These are also in line with the NeVoBo code of conduct.
All standards and values obviously have to be supported by the members themselves. We try to guarantee this by setting a good example and setting frameworks.
Standards & Values
Respect & Security: Within the club, all members and visitors, both on and off the court, should treat each other with respect. This also includes creating a safe environment, where everyone feels at home and safe.
Openness & Accessibility: We strive to be a club that is accessible to a wide group of people from The Hague and the surrounding area. We are a transparent volleyball club where policy, core values and core objectives are transparent to everyone. By addressing each other positively and providing feedback, we maintain a pleasant atmosphere.
Engaging & Connecting: We strive to create a high degree of connection between the members and stakeholders, by working together, organizing activities and centralizing all volleyball activities as much as possible in one accommodation. We want to create an ‘us’-feeling.
Performance in Sports: In addition to guaranteeing recreational sport, we also want to realize our ambitions by performing at the highest possible level while maintaining a sporty attitude.
Collaboration: Working together within the club to keep it running and to offer a nice place for everyone who cares about volleyball. This means that every member has to roll up their sleeves from time to time. In addition, we are constantly working on collaboration with schools, the municipality and social authorities in order to take our social responsibility and play a positive role within society in The Hague.
Code of conduct for Players, Parents and Trainers/Coaches
The above values and standards lead to the following concrete rules of conduct.
Players – What is considered good behavior?
Fair-play during and after the training and games, which means:
- We are the host, and we host the team that visits us;
- Respect for the opponent, with a correct attitude and no intimidation;
- Honesty, even when this is not to your own advantage;
- Treat every team member equally and with respect;
- Treat those involved and bystanders with respect;
- No drunkenness or excessive alcohol consumption during/after the matches.
Promote a positive atmosphere, which means:
- Be helpful to players who struggle to socially bond with the team;
- Encourage fellow players to behave respectfully with good sportsmanship when necessary;
- The club can only exist with the help of volunteers, so offer to help if possible;
- If you are asked for help, be prepared to roll up your sleeves;
- Be mindful of other people’s competencies, or incapabilities;
- Talk positively about each other;
- Talk positively about Sovicos on Facebook, Twitter etc.
In relation to a safe atmosphere:
- Accept and respect others as they are and do not discriminate;
- Everyone counts within the club, no one gets left behind;
- Take each other’s boundaries into account;
- Do not bother or harm others;
- Don’t swear or make mean jokes or comments about others;
- Don’t fight or use violence. Don’t threaten others, or bring weapons with you;
- Do not unintentionally come too close and do not touch others against their will;
- Do not give unwanted sexual attention, do not ask inappropriate questions and/or make unwanted comments about someone’s personal life or appearance;
- If someone is hindering or harassing you, ask them to stop. If that doesn’t help, ask someone else for help;
- Help others to also keep to these agreements, and speak up when someone does not. Report to the board if necessary.
When can we reprimand players?
For the sake of clarity, the following are some specific situations as examples, which can lead to the disruption of training sessions and competitions, such as:
- Insulting fellow players or making derogatory comments about them;
- Yelling or other inappropriate behavior;
- Bullying or negatively approaching fellow players;
- Constantly arriving late;
- Not leaving the changing rooms clean/tidy;
- Using their phone during training or competition, except in special situations;
- Using their phone in private areas such as the locker room (taking photos of teammates or opponents in the locker room);
- Inappropriate behavior towards the referee;
- (Unsolicited) communication with the referee by anyone other than the captain.
Parents – What is considered good behavior?
Behavior that helps/supports/motivates and does not hinder the players in their game:
- Be respectful to referees, coaches and players;
- A positive attitude towards the organization: a volleyball club works with volunteers who do their best to make it a beautiful place. A positive contribution is appreciated;
- Adopt a stimulating and motivating attitude towards the children, even if it is not your own child;
- Taking a stimulating and motivating attitude towards the team, encouraging the team.
Contribute positively to arrangements for transport, such as:
- Sudden cancellations can sometimes be necessary, but do this as soon as you know. You cancel with the trainer, not with a team member;
- Arrive on time, even if there is mutual agreement about carpooling. Tip: do not only agree on a joint departure time, but also agree that the rest of the team will not wait if you arrive late. Do contact each other and exchange mobile numbers.
When can we reprimand parents?
For the sake of clarity, the following are some examples of behaviors that can negatively affect the course of a match, such as:
- Interfering with a child during training, competition or debriefing;
- Whistling at the other team, or being negative towards the other team or their parents;
- Audible interference with (alleged) wrong decisions by the referee. Only the coach should do this and the NeVoBo can be called in the event of escalations;
- Sitting on the team bench or stepping onto the court during the game. Exceptions are made when helping with counting or filling in the scoresheet, and this is agreed upon. If necessary, discuss comments with the trainer/coach after the game.
If they interfere too much with the trainer’s policy, such as:
- Repeatedly calling the trainer with an opinion about the training. These questions belong to the relevant representative of the Technical Committee;
- Repeatedly getting in touch with any Sovicos member against their will, especially if this is indicated by the person concerned.
Trainers – What is considered good behavior?
In relation to positive training:
- Maintain a positive attitude towards the players, ensure a pleasant atmosphere;
- Players come to learn volleyball. Show appreciation for their development in an appropriate way. In short – positive training/coaching;
- Tailor your training to the level of the players and team;
- Pursue togetherness.
In relation to respectful training:
- Pursue a pedagogical approach in your training;
- Give equal attention to each player;
- Fulfill an exemplary role, which the players would like to emulate;
- Respect a player’s cultural details and occasions, as far as not risky.
In relation to a safe environment:
- Approach sick or injured athletes with interest and goodwill;
- Realize that as a trainer you have an exemplary function;
- Create clear standards and values, apply the rules of conduct;
- Notify parents when there are concerns about a player’s welfare;
- Contact the Board or a confidential contactcounselor if (a suspicion of) bullying, difficult communication with the team or other similar problems arise;
- Provide an environment and atmosphere in which the players can feel safe;
- Refrain from treating players in a way that affects their dignity. Do not force yourself into their private life more than is necessary in the context of sports;
- Refrain from any form of (power) abuse or sexual intimidation towards the players;
- Sexual acts and relations between the trainer and young players up to the age of sixteen are under no circumstances permitted and are considered sexual abuse.
When can we reprimand trainers?
For the sake of clarity, the following are examples of some concrete situations that are seen as undesirable.
In relation to unsafe behavior of the trainer:
- Negatively criticizing players in public;
- Disclosing any personal or confidential information without the express (written) permission of the player;
- Using a phone in a private environment such as the locker room (taking pictures of players or opponents in the locker room);
- Engaging in behavior that could be interpreted as bullying;
- The locker rooms are a prohibited area. Let hte players know if the door is open;
- More physical touch than functionally necessary. Concentrating too much physical touch around one player.
In relation to exemplary behavior:
- Smoking, alcohol and drug use during the training or competition;
- Being busy on your phone;
- Excessive alcohol consumption after training or competition.