For those brandnew potential members, here are a few things to keep in mind when applying to this club.
As with all sports clubs, there are a few house- and gamerules to make volleyball fun for everyone.
Open Training Sessions
After filling out the JOIN form, the Technical (Youth) Committee will get in touch with you to plan three training sessions, which you can join for free without any obligations. Depending on your previous experience and these sessions, the Technical Committee will find the best team for you.
Getting to know each other
The volleyball season starts mid-August with ‘instuif’ or start-up training sessions, which are divided in Indoor and Beachvolleyball sessions. These training sessions are a great opportunity for you to get to know the club, and vice versa.
These sessions will then be used to divide all players in the best possible teams, while keeping an eye on both individual capabilities as well as team goals and roles.
Becoming a Member
After three trial training sessions you can fill in the registration form if you have decided to become a member of Sovicos. You must complete this form completely, sign it (+ passport photo if you are also going to play competition) and submit it to the Technical Committee or Youth TC.
Depending on which team you’ll join, you’ll be practicing at:
– Sportcampus Zuiderpark on Mondays for indoor volleyball teams.
– Sportcampus Zuiderpark on Tuesdays for beachvolleyball teams.
– Sporthal Steenwijklaan on Wednesdays for indoor volleyball teams.
You can find our training schedule on the website under Training, as well as through your team’s central emailaddress.
To ensure all trainers have enough time to prepare for each session, we ask you kindly to let them or your captain know ahead of time whenever you won’t be able to make practice.
If you’d like to join the competition, please be aware that the first matches will often be planned around the third week of September. All home games will be held at Sporthal Steenwijklaan, our home base. One competition night is divided in eight games, played over four different courts. It is important that all teams arrive ahead of time, so all of us can help run this night smoothly.
We advise you to get a Sovicos uniform before the third week of September. Our shirts are made by Errea, and can be ordered via de webshop.
The Member Administration Committee will send you your number, as soon as they’ve received your application form. If you are unsure about which size to order, you can try a few sizes at the fitting nights organized at the start of the season.
The Member Administration Committee will also apply for a NeVoBo playercard for you, using the picture you send with your application. Without this card you won’t be able to join the competition.
We try to get a coach and trainer for each team every season. When playing matches, the running of things shall be the responsibility of the captain, coach and referee.
You’ll join your team on away games as well. Most away games in the Netherlands are played within the same region or province. For The Hague, this is often Leiden, Delft and the Westlands. It is common practice to carpool with your teammates, but however you decide to travel, please make sure to arrive ahead of time.
All adult members are also expected to take the NeVoBo rules test, so you can ref a few times per season. This might sound scary, but knowing the rules even as a player is a big plus. For this reason, taking the rules test is compulsory for all members above the age of 17. More information can be found on the website under Everyone is a Ref.
Club Activities
All teams play at least twice a week: a training session and a match. To make these simple activities happen however, a whole list of tasks has to be crossed off.
You’ll notice that a lot of members are working hard to ensure everyone’s playtime. Either through coaching, training teams, keeping an eye on the gym during training sessions and games, counting, reffing, organising parties or activities, etc. It probably doesn’t come as a surprise that one of our motto’s is ‘Many hands make light work’.
As an Indoor volleyballteam, a few tasks will be appointed to you over the course of the season. All teams can decide for themselves how to divide these tasks. These extra tasks will be appointed to your team after home games on Friday nights, to avoid any unnessecary travel.
Hopefully we’ve explained in big lines how Sovicos functions. Should you have any other questions, your teammates, captain or the Technical Committee can help you out. Or take a look at our website, or send an email to
Have lots of fun!