The Sovicos School Volleyball Tournament has begun!

On Friday, January 31st, we kicked off the Sovicos School Volleyball Tournament, a collaboration between Sovicos, the Municipality of The Hague, and Olympic Moves. The atmosphere at Sporthal Steenwijklaan was immediately friendly, much like you’d expect when a group of students, with a healthy mix of experience and enthusiasm, gets ready to knock some balls over the net.

The teams participating were a fun blend of beginners and more experienced players. Gymnasium Sorghvliet had two teams. Diamant College brought two teams as well, with one getting into the rhythm faster than the other. The European School, Lyceum Ypenburg, and HML (with four teams!) joined in – creating a wonderfully mixed group of kids who think tennis is a better sport, to kids who had been playing volleyball for a few years and knew exactly what they were doing.

It was a beautiful chaos, but one you couldn’t help but appreciate. Between the quirky moments, where the ball went the wrong way or everyone rushed to the same spot, there were plenty of wonderful plays. There were clever passes, unexpected attacks, and sometimes even a thrilling rally, where you couldn’t help but admire the effort. The tournament was a great reminder that sports aren’t always about perfection – sometimes it’s the spontaneity and charm of the crazy moments that make it so much fun.

The energy was contagious, and although the students had plenty to learn, they gave it their all. They were also surrounded by an amazing group of volunteers: Giovanni, Yasin, Rianne, Maura, Rob, Vincent, Firoz, Gawein, André, Serife, Rachel, and Milene. Thanks to them, everything ran smoothly, and the players had the space to do what they do best: play volleyball, laugh, and make lots of noise.

This was just the first of four days, and we can’t wait to see what the next weeks will bring. Who knows, there may be more surprising plays, great attacks, and, of course, some unexpected balls rolling the wrong way. What we do know for sure is that this tournament is a big success, no matter where the balls land!

Below the photos of the first day. If you want to have a photo, please send an email to: