Welcome to Sovicos, the volleyball club of The Hague! With over 70 years of experience, we know better than anyone how important volunteers are. They are, in fact, the beating heart of our association! On this page, we proudly give a well-deserved place to all our volunteers, from the Board to the committees, trainers, and coaches.

Because at Sovicos, every volunteer is equally important, and we are proud of what we achieve together. Curious to know who contributes to the success of our club? Take a look and discover how our team of volunteers keeps the club running. Because without them, there would be no Sovicos!

The Board

As you can see above, the board of Sovicos consists of six positions and thus six members.

ChairmanRonald Akkerboomvoorzitter@sovicos.nl
TreasurerAndreea Bajireanupenningmeester@sovicos.nl
Technical AffairsVincent Lugtenburgtcvoorzitter@sovicos.nl
Youth AffairsLieke Brugginkjeugdzaken@sovicos.nl
Club AffairsMilene van Arendonkverenigingszaken@sovicos.nl

Want to know more about what these functions entail? Click here.

Supporting Staff

In addition to the board, there is also a supporting staff, consisting of various committees as shown below:

Activity CommitteeBeach CommitteeYouth Technical Committee
Camilo, Chris & MerelFloris, Gert, Laure & OlgaFiroz, Natasja & VACANCY
Membership AdministrationMassagesMaterial Committee
LindaLéonie & RobFiroz & Janneke
Editorial TeamSchool tournament coordinatorTechnical Committee
Martijn, Matthijs,
Milene & Sophie
Rachel & IsabelVincent S., Lindy,
Vincent L. & Jesper
Confidential ContactpersonsClub Committee*SoviScore
Brenda & Vincent S.Martijn, Maura & PaulienAnouk M., Lieke & Milene
Get in contactvc@sovicos.nlsoviscore@sovicos.nl

* The tasks of the association committee include: bar services coordinator, hiring coordinator, referee coordinator, VOG and competition affairs.


In season 2023 / 2024 ten members have received their first aid certificate:
Anouk M., Brenda, Firoz, Martijn, Merel, Milene, Rachel, Vincent S.


Ladies 1Vincent L.Gents 1Vincent L.
Ladies 2Daan N.Gents 2Stefan
Ladies 3GovertGents 3Ladies 3
Ladies 4JasperGents 4Martijn & Ladies 1
Ladies 5GiovanniBeginners group AVacancy
Ladies 6FirozBeginners group BJana
Ladies 7Jana
Ladies 8Milene
Group 1 (High 1)Vincent L.Mini’sFiroz
Group 2 (Advanced)LuukGirls ANatasja
Group 3 (Interm. 1)StijnGirls BGiovanni
Group 4 (Interm. 2)GeorgeGirls CNatasja
Group 5 (Interm. 3)Camilo
Group 6 (Starter 1)Ilse & Michal
Group 7 (Starter 2)Ilse & Michal
Group 8 Jaline

For some of the tasks, we could use some extra help, such as with the editorial team and also the school tournament. We are always looking for trainers for both senior, junior and beach volleyball teams. So if you have some spare time and feel like supporting the association in a different way, check out our vacancies: