Reflections on the First Part of the Season

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Welcome New Energy

This season brought a breath of fresh air with numerous new volunteers, including a completely revamped Association Committee, new TC members, and enthusiastic (youth) coaches. Without volunteers, there is no association.

Summer Vibes with Beach Volleyball Tournaments

Every month, we shone brightly on the sand during our successful beach volleyball tournaments. A perfect blend of sport and camaraderie.

Vibrant Start with Tournaments and Celebrations

The season kicked off with energy at a lively start tournament, a spooktacular Halloween party, and for the very first time, a movie night at Sovicos. Together, we created unforgettable moments.

First Aid Enthusiasts (EHBSO’ers) and Confidential Contacts

Eleven members transformed into EHBSO’ers this season, contributing to a safer volleyball environment. Additionally, we welcomed two new confidential contacts, ready to listen and support.

Certificates and Training

A noteworthy achievement – all members obtained their rule knowledge certificate, and 14 members earned the V4 referee certificate. Strengthening knowledge and skills enhances us as individuals and as a team.

Automation and SoviScore

Efficiency in billing has improved thanks to further automation of our financial administration. SoviScore also brought a healthy competitive spirit to the club, showing that we want to score both on the field and off and are committed to contributing to the club in various ways.

Volunteer Appreciation

A sincere thank you to all volunteers who dedicated themselves to Sovicos. From giving training sessions to working in committees and from taking on board roles to organizing beach volleyball tournaments. Your dedication is the backbone of our club. Thank you!

Board Challenges and Invitation

However, with some departing board members, we face new challenges. The roles of chairperson and treasurer are still vacant, and our secretary will bid farewell at the end of this season. Considering a role? The board is ready to answer your questions.

Optimism for the Future

Despite some challenges, we eagerly anticipate the second half of the season. We look forward to continuing the season full of sportsmanship, friendship, and joy at Sovicos!

And remember, without volunteers, there is no association. So, take on a role (or do it together with a teammate) and ensure that the second half of the season surpasses the first.