The board of Sovicos is the backbone of the association. It is responsible for leading the daily operations of the association and for achieving its statutory purpose. A good board can mean a lot for creating a safe and enjoyable sports climate within the association. From policy plans and budgets to investments and contracts, everything is discussed and established at the board table. Important topics such as member recruitment and retention, finances, facilities, and sportsmanship and respect also fall under the responsibility of the board.

Everything the board does must be in the interest of the association and must be done while safeguarding the association’s policies and adhering to applicable laws and regulations. In this article, we will explain in more detail the various tasks of the board of a volleyball association.

The Various Positions within Sovicos Board

At Sovicos, the board consists of the following six board members:
Click on the position below for further description.

The board of directors of the association is an important body that meets regularly to discuss the progress of the association. The board meets at least once every six weeks and it is important that all board members are present to make the right decisions. A board meeting can only make decisions if at least a majority of the board members are present. When voting, the majority of the present members decides.

Within the framework of the regulations, the board has the authority to make all decisions and arrangements that it deems necessary in the interest of the association. It is therefore important that the board functions well and can lead the association properly. In situations where quick and adequate action must be taken, the board has the authority to take action without prior consultation. However, in these cases, the board must be accountable for its actions during the next General Members Meeting. This way, the board remains transparent and members can be well informed about the functioning of the association.

Below the different roles of the board members are explained in further detail. Questions? Ask them here!

The role of the chairman

As a chairman, you are the connecting factor of the association and ensure that everything runs smoothly within the association! You are responsible for managing the association and ensure that all members adhere to the rules and that there remains an optimal atmosphere within the association.

Managing the association

The chairman of the association has a leading role and is responsible for holding member meetings, overseeing compliance with the regulations, and ensuring the continued existence of the association. The chairman is not the owner/director, but must act according to the rules of the association, which are laid down in the articles of association. When there is a meeting, the chairman is the person who leads everything in the right direction.

Policy responsibility

Together with the other board members, the chairman is responsible for policy and must ensure that the association policy established in the general member meeting is implemented.

Acting on behalf of the association

As a member of the board, the chairman is authorized to act on behalf of the association with third parties, such as the Dutch Volleyball Association (NeVoBo). If there are negotiations to be held, the chairman is the person who represents the association. Most of the chairman’s duties can be arranged by the association, but there are also legal duties that are laid down in the articles of association.

Legal chairman’s duties

The following tasks are legally laid down, which can be deviated from in the articles of association:

  • Ensuring that the general members’ meeting is convened in a timely manner
  • Chairing the general members’ meeting (see below for more information)
  • Ensuring proper minutes and reporting of board meetings and the general members’ meeting
  • Maintaining proper administration (this is often entrusted to the secretary, but legally the entire board, including the chairman, is responsible)
  • Representing the association externally
  • Managing the association

Chairing the general assembly

In addition to the general duties of a chairperson of the board of an association, there are also specific duties with regard to the general assembly (GA). It is the responsibility of the chairperson and secretary to ensure that the association convenes a GA at least once a year, within six months after the end of the financial year.

According to article 2:38 of the Dutch Civil Code, the chairperson of the board also acts as the chairperson of the GA, unless the articles of association provide otherwise. It is the responsibility of the chairperson to ensure that the GA takes place in an orderly and timely manner and that all necessary decisions are taken and recorded correctly and in a timely manner.

When a vote is taken orally during a GA, it is the responsibility of the chairperson to count the votes and record the outcome in the minutes. If the chairperson announces the result of the vote, it is deemed final, unless objection is raised at that time.

The rol of secretary

The secretary of an association has a leading function and, together with the other board members, is responsible for organizing member meetings, ensuring compliance with regulations, and ensuring the continued existence of the association.

Policy responsibility

Together with the other board members, the secretary is responsible for policy. The secretary ensures that the association’s policy established in the general meeting is implemented.

Legal secretary tasks

Legally, the secretary must perform the following tasks:

  • Ensuring that the general assembly is called together in a timely manner;
  • Taking care of the minutes and reporting of board meetings and the general assembly;
  • Keeping proper records and accounts (a task that legally rests with the entire board, but is often assigned to the secretary);
  • Representing the association externally, together with the other board members;
  • Governing the association.

Internally, the board can determine which specific board tasks are carried out by the secretary, which are often administrative tasks.

General secretary tasks

In general, the secretary often has the following tasks within an association:

  • Managing the agenda and monitoring deadlines;
  • Managing the registration with the Chamber of Commerce;
  • Keeping other board members informed of all administrative developments within the association;
  • Preparing the annual report and financial statements together with the chairman;
  • Managing the administration and correspondence of the association;
  • Ensuring compliance with laws and regulations (including GDPR);
  • Ensuring proper administration is being conducted;
  • Acting as an information provider within the association;
  • Identifying and complying with municipal, provincial and government obligations.
  • Establishing the agenda for board meetings and the general assembly (in collaboration with the chairman);
  • Taking minutes of these meetings;
  • At Sovicos, the editorial committee also falls under the responsibility of the secretary.

During the general assembly

As an association, you are legally required to hold a general assembly (GA) at least once a year, within six months after the end of the financial year. It is the responsibility of the secretary to ensure that this meeting is scheduled and held. They are also responsible for writing the minutes.

According to Article 2:38 of the Civil Code (Burgerlijk Wetboek), the secretary of the board also acts as secretary of the GA, unless the bylaws state otherwise. This means that the secretary is responsible for taking the minutes during the GA. They support the chairman in making all necessary decisions and ensure that these decisions are recorded correctly and on time.

The role of the treasurer

As a member of the board, the treasurer shares responsibility with the other board members for ensuring that everything runs smoothly within the association. The treasurer has specific responsibility for the association’s finances, which means that everything related to money, such as income, expenses, and budgets, goes through the treasurer.

An important task of the treasurer is to ensure that the association remains financially healthy. This means that the treasurer must keep accurate records of the association’s income and expenses and ensure that there is always enough money available to carry out all the activities of the association. In addition, the treasurer must ensure that all of the association’s objectives are financially feasible and that there is sufficient budget for future plans and projects.

To perform these tasks well, the treasurer must be careful and accurate in maintaining the association’s financial administration. The treasurer must be able to prepare and present financial reports to the board and members during the general meeting of members. In addition, the treasurer must also be able to communicate well with the other board members, so that decisions can be made transparently regarding the association’s finances.

The treasurer has various tasks in the areas of finance and administration. The different tasks of the treasurer are listed below.

Legal treasurer’s duties

The treasurer has several tasks that he/she must perform as part of the board, legally speaking:

  • Co-drafting of the budget;
  • Ensuring the financial documents (annual report, balance sheet and budget) are presented during the general assembly;
  • Keeping a proper record of the income and expenditures (a legal obligation of the entire board, but often assigned to the treasurer);
  • Representing the association externally, together with the other board members;
  • Providing explanation on the financial documents during the general assembly.

General tasks for the treasurer

In general the treasurer has the following tasks within the club:

  • Managing the financial resources of the association (cash and bank);
  • Handling all banking affairs;
  • Keeping other board members informed of the financial situation of the association;
  • Ensuring the financial health of the association by creating a multi-year financial plan;
  • Collecting membership fees from members;
  • Managing the membership administration of the association (via the membership administration);
  • Maintaining a list of members, which should indicate the nature of each membership; maintaining the association’s archive (via the membership administration);
  • Registering and deregistering members with Nevobo (via the membership administration);
  • Responsible for payment of incoming invoices;
  • Responsible for payment of all municipal taxes, fees, and other costs;
  • Managing the finances of committees within the association;
  • Arranging insurance policies;
  • Preparing the budget and annual financial statements together with the chairman;
  • Ensuring proper financial administration;
  • Responsible for applying for subsidies.
  • At Sovicos, the membership administration and hiring coordination also fall under the responsibility of the treasurer.

The role of the board member for technical affairs

Sports is an important form of relaxation for many people. In a sports club, it is therefore important that all members can participate in training and matches at their own level. Often, a technical committee (TC) is active for this purpose, which ensures that all members can actively participate at their own level. This is no different at Sovicos. The association has both a technical committee for seniors (TC) and for youth (Youth TC).

Responsibilities of the board member for technical affairs

The board member for technical affairs at Sovicos is also the chairman of the technical and beach committees and chairs the meetings of these committees. These committees are responsible for the organization of the senior teams and beach groups. In addition, the equipment committee, match secretary, and referee coordination fall under the responsibility of the board member for technical affairs. The board member for the technical committee is present at board meetings and the general assembly to explain the choices made by the technical committee.

Importance of a good policy plan

To ensure that the policy remains relevant in relation to the association and to the exercise of the sport in general, the technical committee has the task of writing a new policy plan every 2 years, taking into account the association’s policy (the latest TC policy plan can be found here). This is of great importance to ensure that the association remains healthy in the long term and that all members can continue to participate in sports at a suitable level.

What else does the TC do? You can read about it on this page.

The role of board member of youth affairs

The board member of youth affairs is a delegate of the Youth TC in the board and is responsible for representing the interests of youth within the club. Additionally, the board member of youth affairs, together with the Youth TC, develops the technical policy for the youth teams of Sovicos and implements it. This involves promoting the quality of the game and improving the performance of the youth teams, as well as creating a safe and enjoyable environment in which the youth members can develop on both a sporting and personal level.

The board member of youth affairs also works together with the Youth TC, the TC, youth trainers, and coaches to ensure that the training sessions and matches are tailored to the development stage and level of the youth players. Furthermore, the board member ensures that there is sufficient guidance and support for the youth teams, for example by recruiting and possibly training youth trainers and coaches.

Like all other board members, the board member of youth affairs has an important role in creating a positive and safe atmosphere within the youth teams and the club as a whole. This involves monitoring the code of conduct and taking measures in case of undesirable behavior, such as bullying or discrimination.

Finally, the board member of youth affairs is the point of contact for parents and youth members with questions or problems regarding the technical affairs of the youth teams. In addition, the board member of youth affairs maintains contact with parents and tries to involve them as much as possible in activities for the youth.

The role of board member for club affairs

Parties, events, and conviviality: that’s what the activities committee of a sports association is responsible for. But who actually manages this committee and comes up with new brilliant ideas? That’s the board member for club affairs!

The board member for club affairs is responsible for managing the activities committee and the school tournament. The board member ensures that everything runs smoothly and that everyone knows what is expected of them.

In addition to managing the activities committee and the school tournament, the board member for club affairs is also responsible for maintaining contacts with the Steenwijklaan landlord. Training takes place here every Wednesday and matches are played every Friday. This means that we use the hall and the bar, and it is important that everything runs smoothly. The board member monitors the bar supplies in cooperation with the bar coordinator and ensures that the spaces are left neat and tidy.

Furthermore, as a board member for club affairs, you are also the link between the association and the volunteers. This board member maintains contacts with the volunteers and ensures that there are always enough people to make all activities, Wednesday and Friday evenings a success.

Finally, as a board member for club affairs, you also maintain contacts with the municipality. This involves arranging permits for events and school tournaments, for example. This ensures that everything runs according to the rules and that the association always makes a good impression on the municipality and other external parties.

In addition to all the above-mentioned board members, we also have various committees at Sovicos, such as the appeals committee, sponsorship committee, and the audit committee. You can read about the responsibilities of these committees in our articles of association.