The players
During the game, you stand with 6 players on the court. Your volleyball team can consist of a maximum of 12 players.
The players on your team all wear the same outfit (with the exception of the libero who must wear a different color shirt). Your clothing consists of:
- a shirt with a number,
- shorts,
- sports shoes.
- You can choose to use knee pads or not.
- Make sure to remove items that could cause injuries (such as jewelry) before the game.
One of the players on your team is the captain.
The captain
- is responsible for the behavior of all players on your team,
- represents your team at the toss,
- signs the game form before and after the game,
- may ask for an explanation of decisions made by the referees from the first referee,
- may request timeouts and player substitutions if the coach is not present.
Do you want a more detailed explanation of the captain’s duties?
Click here for more information on the duties of a captain.
The Coach
- is responsible for the behavior of all players on the team,
- leads the team’s game from the sidelines,
- requests timeouts and player substitutions.
Coaching games
If you want to delve a little deeper into coaching games, read a short guide below prepared by (Dutch). You can read here how you can prepare yourself for, during, and after the games.
The (1st) referee
The referee ensures that the game is played according to the rules. At higher levels, there are two referees: the first and second referees. The referee:
- checks the quality of the playing area and the game balls before the game,
- conducts the toss, with both captains present,
- checks if the entered players match the players on the court,
- leads the game,
- checks and signs the game form last after the game.
We previously wrote a blog with the hand gestures of a referee. And if you want to know more specifically what you need to do before, during, and after a game: